ทดสอบ Past Tense

คำถามข้อที่ 1 (1 คะแนน)
They were talking about the book when I joined the conversation.

คำถามข้อที่ 2 (1 คะแนน)
We were studying when the phone rang.

คำถามข้อที่ 3 (1 คะแนน)
They were talking when I walked into the room.

คำถามข้อที่ 4 (1 คะแนน)
By the time I arrived, they had already left the party.

คำถามข้อที่ 5 (1 คะแนน)
They were having a meeting when I walked in.

คำถามข้อที่ 6 (1 คะแนน)
He was working on the project when the power went out.

คำถามข้อที่ 7 (1 คะแนน)
By the time I arrived at the hotel, they had already checked in.

คำถามข้อที่ 8 (1 คะแนน)
She had been reading for an hour when I saw her.

คำถามข้อที่ 9 (1 คะแนน)
They were playing cards when I visited them.

คำถามข้อที่ 10 (1 คะแนน)
He went to the park yesterday.

จำนวนคนดู : 799